phone 215-525-4287 | fax 215-525-4299
White Collar Crime Defense
White Collar Crimes Attorney

White Collar Crime can devastate a business and criminal charges can destroy a career. The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza defends clients in white-collar cases in state and federal criminal court, and on appeals. If your case goes to trial, you can be confident that an experienced trial lawyer is handling it. 

White collar crime in Bucks County are different in that they are usually prosecuted in federal court. Federal prosecutors, who have far more resources than those at the state level, handle these cases. As a former prosecutor, Sharif Abaza understands the issues involved in White Collar Crime in Bucks County. He has successfully helped many clients avoid criminal prosecution and severe criminal penalties by taking a proactive approach at the beginning of the investigation.

Although White Collar Crime lacks the physical violence of traditional crimes, crimes like fraud, identity theft, and embezzlement can carry serious penalties. If you are accused of a White Collar Crime, you should seek the assistance of an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The Bucks County Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza is dedicated to providing an aggressive and results-oriented defense for those charged with White Collar Crimes.

Sharif Abaza successfully defends clients accused of:

  • Access Device Fraud

  • Accounting Fraud

  • Bad Checks

  • Bank Fraud

  • Commercial Bribery

  • Credit Card Fraud

  • Deceptive or Fraudulent Business Practices

  • Defrauding Secured Creditors

  • Embezzlement

  • Extortion

  • Forgery

  • Identity Theft

  • Insurance Fraud

  • Internet Crimes

  • Mail Fraud

  • Medicare/Medicaid Fraud

  • Misapplication of Entrusted Property

  • Money Laundering

  • Mortgage Fraud

  • Obstruction of Justice

  • Professional Malpractice

  • Racketeering/RICO

  • Securities Fraud

  • Tampering with Records or Identification

  • Tax Evasion/Tax Fraud

  • Theft

  • Wire Fraud

    ...and more

If you have been charged with White Collar Crime, contact Sharif Abaza for an early and aggressive criminal defense strategy. Call 215-525-4287 now to schedule your FREE initial consultation.

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How Can I Help You?

The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza | 44 East Court Street | Doylestown, PA 18901 | 215-525-4287 | fax 215-525-4299 | Directions