Sex crime defense cases should be taken very seriously. Consequences for sex crimes offenses can be life altering and devastating. Convictions can carry lengthy mandatory prison sentences, hefty fines and a 10-year or lifetime Megan's Law registration with the police.
As a former member of the Bucks County Child Abuse Unit, Sharif Abaza has experience prosecuting sex crimes and knows that early investigation and diligent preparation is crucial for your defense. If you have been accused of a sex crime, fight back with an experienced, aggressive attorney on your side as soon as the accusations have been made. The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza will explain your rights to you and provide you experienced, aggressive defense for the best possible result with the goal of dismissing or reducing charges.
Sharif Abaza successfully defends clients accused of:
Date Rape
Indecent Exposure
Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse (IDSI)
Possession of Child Pornography
Sexual Abuse of Children
Sexual Assault Statutory Rape Rape
Under Pennsylvania's Megan's Law, convicted sexual offenders and sexually violent predators are subject to register with the state in order to track their whereabouts and provide notification to the public of their presence in the community. The state police make this information available on the internet to the public in a sex offender registry — disclosing where they live, attend school and are employed. May townships within Pennsylvania are passing ordinances that prevent these offenders from living with a certain areas near parks, playgrounds or schools thereby making it difficult for the offender to find a place to live.
Remember, you are innocent until proven guilty. To know your options and be sure your rights are fully protected, call The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza at 215-525-4287 for a FREE consultation and evaluation of your case.
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