phone 215-525-4287 | fax 215-525-4299
Abaza Cases in the News
The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza in the News

04/29/13: Sharif N. Abaza, Esq. Speaks at Germantown High School's Men's Day

Throughout the day, Germantown High School students attended a series of workshops featuring speakers — pilots, engineers, clergy members and former drug addicts — who shared personal stories of success to encourage male students to achieve and remind them that they can.

As a former prosecutor and current defense attorney, Mr. Abaza spoke to the students about law and what they need to know about it; how DUI laws have changed since he was a teenager; and how Megan's Law can affect young people for life. Read the article.

Sharif N. Abaza, Esq. Speaks at Germantown High School's Men's Day

Sharif N. Abaza, Esq. Speaks at Germantown High School's Men's Day

08/16/12: Horsham Man, 74, Charged with Molesting Teen

07/10/12: Probation Ordered in Art Theft Caper

05/14/12: 20 Charged in Car-theft Ring Delay their Day in Court

04/04/2012: Two Arraigned in Fatal Warminster Drug Fight

10/21/2011: It was the easiest possible burglary you could do

10/10/2011: Lawyer Announces Expansion and Consumer Search Help

As your criminal defense lawyer, Sharif Abaza will fight for your rights, your innocence, your future and your freedom. Call 215-525-4287 now to schedule your FREE initial consultation.

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How Can I Help You?

The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza | 44 East Court Street | Doylestown, PA 18901 | 215-525-4287 | fax 215-525-4299 | Directions