In Pennsylvania, criminal homicide, the unlawful death of a human being, includes murder and manslaughter. Pennsylvania state laws require proof of malice to distinguish murder from manslaughter. To prove malice in a murder case, the prosecutor must show the defendant's general intent to commit an unlawful act or achieve a harmful result and must prove that the defendant had a specific intent to kill.
There are three types of murder charges in Pennsylvania:
First Degree Murder: a premeditated, intentional killing of a human being.
Second Degree Murder: homicide committed during the commission of an underlying felony such as burglary, rape, or kidnapping.
Third Degree Murder: the killing of another with malice.
There are two types of manslaughter charges in Pennsylvania:
Involuntary Manslaughter: death caused by reckless or grossly negligent conduct while engaging a lawful or unlawful activity without malice.
Voluntary Manslaughter: a killing that happens with sudden and intense passion resulting from serious provocation by the individual killed.
When you need an aggressive criminal defense attorney to defend you against homicide or manslaughter charges, contact The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza. Mr. Abaza will explore every possible defense in order to vigorously defend you against these charges. Advances in DNA and forensic sciences enable us to challenge even the most incriminating circumstantial evidence provided by law enforcement officials. Sharif Abaza will conduct a thorough investigation including DNA evidence as well as witness testimony and police conduct in order to build the best possible defense.
As a former prosecutor, Sharif Abaza has in-depth knowledge of the criminal justice system and is equipped with the legal resources needed to build a solid and arguable defense to meet and challenge the allegations being leveled against you.
When the stakes are high, seek an aggressive criminal defense attorney with a solid track record. Call The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza at 215-525-4287 for a FREE consultation and evaluation of your case.
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