A felony generally refers to the most severe crimes that would be punishable by death or imprisonment in a state or federal prison and substantial fines. If convicted of a felony, you may be required to register as a certain type of offender, lose the right to own firearms, lose the right to vote among other loss of rights. If you do not have an experienced criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and vigorously defend you, the outcome of your case can be devastating. After many years as a prosecutor, Sharif Abaza saw the need for solid defense of those accused of serious wrongdoing. In his felony defense attorney practice in Bucks County, Mr. Abaza will evaluate your situation, analyze all reports and evidence, explain all possible outcomes, and advise you on how to proceed.
The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza is the Bucks County felony defense firm successfully representing clients with charges such as:
Aggravated Assault
Possession with Intent to Deliver Drugs
Receipt of Stolen Property
Retail Theft
Sex Offenses
- White Collar Crimes
As a felony defense attorney in Bucks County, Sharif Abaza takes a highly personal approach to his clients and treats every case as if it's his only case. He understands that being charged with a crime does not just happen between the hours of 9 and 5 and that a lot of arrests occur at night and on weekends. Mr. Abaza's law firm is available to you 24/7 via cell phone, email or text and will answer your call personally day or night.
Do not face felony charges without pursuing every opportunity to defend yourself to the fullest extent. Call 215-525-4287 for a FREE consultation to discuss your situation. Your side of the story needs to be told.
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