You are innocent until proven guilty in the United States of America and the United States Constitution gives you the right to a lawyer. The advice and counsel of a criminal defense lawyer can mean the difference between a lengthy prison term and a reduction or even dismissal of your charges. The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza is equipped with the legal resources needed to build a solid and arguable defense to challenge the allegations being leveled against you whether it is a Summary, Misdemeanor or Felony offense on either the State or Federal level.
The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza has successfully defends clients facing a wide range of allegations including:
When defending clients, The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza will always seek to get charges dismissed or reduced. If constraints of the system make that impossible, as a criminal trial lawyer, Mr. Abaza will provide powerful courtroom representation, using every tool available where it applies: expert testimony, challenging of law enforcement procedures in the case, examination of witnesses, and introducing tangential circumstances that bolster the defendant's case.
Do you think you cannot afford a good lawyer? The Law Office of Sharif N. Abaza offers a reasonable, flat fee structure. Call 215-525-4287 for a FREE consultation and evaluation of your case.
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